Parents, who's coaching your athlete? You have choices, so before you pick a gym or program, learn about the adults who will spend timewith your kids. This is who your kid looks up to, models their work ethic, and listens to.
One of the coaches at Preparing Tomorrow's Athletes, Coach Bobby, is a former college athlete at Northeast Oklahoma and semi-professional basketball player. Arkansas native, Coach Bobby has over a decade of experience coaching, training, and helping athletes properly prepare for their respective sport.
Take a few minutes to hear from Preparing Tomorrow's Athletes Coach Billy Miller.
1) What is your area of focus at Preparing Tomorrow's Athletes and why is it important to you?
Coach Bobby: My primary focus here at PTA is the overall fundamental skill development & I.Q. of the athlete. It's important to me because in order to build something of worth you must have a solid foundation.
2) If the athletes you train can remember one thing from you years later what would it be?
Coach Bobby: The "3D" formula to success. You can accomplish anything in life if you're disciplined, determined & dedicated to your goals.
3) Who have you looked up to as role models in your youth or journey?
Coach Bobby: During my youth it was Allen Iverson and Isaiah Thomas whom inspired me as a player. As a Coach/Player Developer, legends like Nolan Richardson, Greg Popovich, Tom Izzo, Phil Jackson, and many others have had a major influence on my philosophy.
4) What’s a difficult thing you’ve faced that could maybe help a young person as they are struggling?
Coach Bobby: As a player, early in my career I thought skill was all you needed. Once I discovered a work ethic, that's when life changed for me as an athlete.
5) What is your FEAR motto?
Coach Bobby: My FEAR motto is very simple. In life when you're faced with adversity, you have two choices, in my opinion. You can Forget Everything & Run or Face Everything & Rise. Face your fear and your fear will disappear....The choice is yours!!!
Think your athlete would relate to Coach Bobby or could benefit from his leadership? Hit up Preparing Tomorrow's Athletes today to check it out. Email the owner and founder of PTA at or give him a call at (870)543-9898. Tell him you saw Coach Bobby's post and want to get in on what PTA is doing for youth athletes!